Cookie policy

Privatumo politikos koncepcija. Verslininkas su apsauginiu gestu ir teksto privatumu rankose. Plati reklamjuostės kompozicija su bokeh fone.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit it.

The data manager of the website is Energy Cells.

Energy Cells uses cookies to improve your experience when visiting the website. The information collected with the help of cookies allows you to browse the Energy Cells website more comfortably, learn more about the behavior of website users, analyze trends and improve both the website and your service.

How can you manage cookies?

ou can choose whether you want to accept cookies. You can manage cookies in the following ways:

1) in the cookie management table, select the cookies or groups of cookies that you agree/disagree to be installed during your visit to the website by selecting “Reject”, “Allow selected” or “Allow all” respectively;

2) change your internet browser settings and disable all cookies or enable/disable them one by one. More details are available at

3) all cookies can be removed from the user’s device by clearing the browsing history in the browser. This will remove all cookies from all the sites you visit. We remind you that this may also result in the loss of certain saved information (e.g. saved login data, website options).

Please note that in some cases, refusing to accept cookies may slow down your internet browsing speed, limit the functionality of certain websites or block access to the website.

ow and what cookies do we use?

Energy Cells website cookies are divided into:

1) necessary cookies – these cookies are very important for the operation of the website and electronic services, and they ensure a smooth experience for the user;

2) statistical cookies – used only for internal analysis purposes in order to improve the services provided to users. These cookies evaluate what actions the user performs on the website (this process is anonymous);

3) marketing cookies – these cookies are used to collect information in order to provide advertising or content for a specific browser or user, creating different target groups.

4) unclassified – these are cookies that we classify together with individual cookie providers.

You can find a detailed list of cookies used by Energy Cells in the cookie management table.